Impact Database


The Idea

Navigating through Europe’s impact investing landscape

Impact investing is a growing movement of investors that are seeking to align their values with their investments. is looking to support value-driven investors in their impact journey by providing an overview of the players in the European impact investing ecosystem.

Our assumption is that the European impact investing landscape is fragmented and lacking a central overview, which could help investors navigate the impact ecosystem.

The centerpiece of the website is a map of Europe, which features various filterable categories. We hope this database will become a valuable tool for impact investors. To help achieve this, we invite organizations active in the European impact investing ecosystem to join the platform.




Helping bring this project to life

The BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt promotes responsible leadership and inspires leaders worldwide to work towards a peaceful, just and sustainable future. Through our activities, we aim to advance the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Our mission is to activate private wealth and sustainable finance, at scale, as a substantial driver for sustainable development. In order to move ahead on that mission, we focus on three key areas of activity: research, teaching and executive education. We publish key findings in public media, engage with and support other universities, and regularly convene wealth owner groups interested in sustainable finance.

Pymwymic is the “Put Your Money Where Your Meaning Is Community” of impact investors: a European community of families, philanthropists and individual investors who support for-profit companies creating global solutions.
Our motto is “Learn, Share, Invest.”

The ImPact is a member network. Our mission is to inspire families to make more impact investments more effectively.

NEXUS is a global community founded to bridge communities of wealth and social entrepreneurship. With over 4800 members from 70 countries, we work to unite young investors, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and allies to catalyze new leadership and accelerate needed political, societal, indigenous, financial, environmental, and equal justice solutions.

Toniic is the global action community for impact investors. We serve individuals, family offices, foundations and funds. We increase the velocity of money and services into impact investing to address global challenges. Our members commit to discover, evaluate, nurture and invest in financial products – in all asset classes – that promote a just and sustainable economy.

For Organization Representatives

Manage your organization's profile

Are you a stakeholder in the European impact investing sphere? We need your input!

Please reach out to us if you want your organization to be included on the database, or if your organization is already on the database and you would like to manage it. We look forward to your participation on our platform.



Contact Us

Say hello:

[email protected]


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